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€ 20,00
EAN-13: 9788804788133
James Barr
Una linea nella sabbia. Gran Bretagna, Francia e il grande gioco del Medio Oriente
Edizione:Mondadori, 2024

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 20,00
DescrizioneUna linea nella sabbia. Gran Bretagna, Francia e il grande gioco del Medio Oriente: Nel 1916, nel pieno della prima guerra mondiale, due uomini si accordarono in segreto per spartirsi il Medio Oriente. Il britannico sir Mark Sykes e il francese Franà§ois Georges-Picot tracciarono sulla sabbia una linea diagonale che andava dal Mediterraneo alla frontiera persiana, ridefinendo la mappa di quell'Impero ottomano destinato di lì a poco a crollare e a lasciare il posto ai «mandati» britannici su Palestina, Transgiordania, Iraq, e a quelli francesi su Libano e Siria. I successivi trent'anni hanno visto quell'area scenario di una sordida storia di violenza e manovre politiche occulte, nobili proclami e ipocrite cupidigie, i cui protagonisti - tra aspirazioni sioniste e rivendicazioni arabe, Olocausto e politica dell'appeasement - sono stati uomini di Stato, negoziatori, spie e soldati, tra cui spiccano i nomi di T.E. Lawrence, Winston Churchill e Charles de Gaulle. Utilizzando documenti recentemente declassificati provenienti dagli archivi britannici e francesi, James Barr offre in queste pagine la ricostruzione più completa e approfondita di come é stato disegnato il moderno Medio Oriente e di come la secolare rivalità  tra inglesi e francesi, pur formalmente alleati, abbia alimentato l'attuale conflitto arabo-israeliano e tutta l'odierna instabilità  geopolitica.

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€ 17,00
EAN-13: 9788865946428
James Barrat
La nostra invenzione finale
Edizione:Nutrimenti, 2019

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 5-6 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 17,00

Descrizione del libro

Prima che si scateni un'esplosione di intelligenza improvvisa e incontrollabile, occorre sviluppare una scienza che ci aiuti a comprendere sistemi complessi che al momento sono al di là  della nostra portata.
L'avvento dell'intelligenza artificiale sembra dominare l'inizio del terzo millennio. Creare sistemi artificiali dotati di un livello intellettivo superiore a quello umano é il Santo Graal delle grandi corporazioni e delle agenzie governative internazionali. C'é addirittura chi prevede ottimisticamente che entro il 2045 l'intelligenza artificiale non solo eguaglierà , ma supererà  quella umana, dando inizio a una nuova età  dell'oro nella storia dell'uomo. Ma se una volta raggiunte capacità  intellettive superiori, i sistemi artificiali fossero in grado di sopravvivere senza l'aiuto dell'uomo? Per la prima volta l'uomo si troverebbe a competere con un rivale più astuto, più potente e più imprevedibile di quanto avesse immaginato. Prima che si scateni un'esplosione di intelligenza improvvisa e incontrollabile, occorre sviluppare una scienza che ci aiuti a comprendere sistemi complessi che al momento sono al di là  della nostra portata. àˆ questo l'obiettivo del saggio: far sapere anche ai profani che sviluppare un'entità  superiore, per noi ancora parzialmente oscura, senza disporre di una coscienziosa e infallibile tecnica di programmazione, equivale a fare il passo più lungo della gamba. Il rischio é ‘dare vita' a una macchina aliena che ci porterà  alla rovina.

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€ 144,00
EAN-13: 9780199692897
James Barr
Bible and Interpretation: The Collected Essays of James Barr
Edizione:Oxford University Press

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 144,00
DescrizioneA major collection of James Barr's work, celebrating the influence of a key scholar in twentieth-century biblical studies and theology Thematically organised for ease of study with a new introduction by John Barton Draws together hard-to-access journal articles, dictionary definitions, reviews and book chapters to give a coherent picture of the development of Barr's work spanning over four decadesThis is the second volume of three volume collection which collates the most important published papers of James Barr (1924-2006). The papers deal with questions of theology (especially biblical theology), biblical interpretation and ideas about biblical inspiration and authority, and questions to do with biblical Hebrew and Greek, along with several lexicographical studies, essays and obituaries on major figures in the history of biblical interpretation, and a number of important reviews. Many of pieces collected here have hitherto been available only in journals and hard-to-access collections. This collection will prove indispensable for anyone seeking a rounded picture of Barr's work. It incorporates work from every period of his academic life, and includes a number of discussions of fundamentalism and conservative biblical interpretation. Some pieces also shed light on less well-known aspects of Barr's work, such as his abiding interest in biblical chronology. Barr's characteristic incisive, clear, and forthright style is apparent throughout the collection. The three volumes are thematically compiled. Each is accompanied by an introduction by John Barton, providing a guide to the contents.Volume 1 begins with a biographical essay by Ernest Nicholson and John Barton. It contains major articles on theology in relation to the Bible, programmatic studies of the past and future of biblical study, and reflections on specific topics in the study of the Old Testament. Volume 2 is concerned with detailed biblical interpretation and with the history of the discipline. It also contains material on biblical fundamentalism. Volume 3 is a collection of Barr's extensive papers on linguistic matters relating to Biblical Hebrew and Greek, and to biblical translation in the ancient and the modern world.Readership: Students and Scholars of Christian Theology and Biblical Studies including Biblical Language Studies

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€ 353,00
EAN-13: 9780198261926
James Barr
Bible and Interpretation: The Collected Essays of James Barr
Edizione:Oxford University Press

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 353,00
DescrizioneA major collection of James Barr's work, celebrating the influence of a key scholar in twentieth-century biblical studies and theology Thematically organised for ease of study with a new introduction to each volume by John Barton Draws together hard-to-access journal articles, dictionary definitions, reviews, book chapters, and obituaries to give a coherent picture of the development of Barr's work spanning over four decades Includes a new biographical essay on Barr by two leading experts in biblical studies, Ernest Nicholson and John BartonThis is a three volume collection of the most important published papers of James Barr (1924-2006). The papers deal with questions of theology (especially biblical theology), biblical interpretation and ideas about biblical inspiration and authority, and questions to do with biblical Hebrew and Greek, along with several lexicographical studies, essays and obituaries on major figures in the history of biblical interpretation, and a number of important reviews. Many of pieces collected here have hitherto been available only in journals and hard-to-access collections. This collection will prove indispensable for anyone seeking a rounded picture of Barr's work. It incorporates work from every period of his academic life, and includes a number of discussions of fundamentalism and conservative biblical interpretation. Some pieces also shed light on less well-known aspects of Barr's work, such as his abiding interest in biblical chronology. Barr's characteristic incisive, clear, and forthright style is apparent throughout the collection. The three volumes are thematically compiled. Each is accompanied by an introduction by John Barton, providing a guide to the contents.Volume 1 begins with a biographical essay by Ernest Nicholson and John Barton. It contains major articles on theology in relation to the Bible, programmatic studies of the past and future of biblical study, and reflections on specific topics in the study of the Old Testament. Volume 2 is concerned with detailed biblical interpretation and with the history of the discipline. It also contains material on biblical fundamentalism. Volume 3 is a collection of Barr's extensive papers on linguistic matters relating to Biblical Hebrew and Greek, and to biblical translation in the ancient and the modern world.Readership: Students and Scholars of Christian Theology and Biblical Studies including Biblical Language Studies

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€ 144,00
EAN-13: 9780199692880
James Barr
Bible and Interpretation: The Collected Essays of James Barr
Edizione:Oxford University Press

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 144,00
DescrizioneA major collection of James Barr's work, celebrating the influence of a key scholar in twentieth-century biblical studies and theology Thematically organised for ease of study with a new introduction by John Barton Draws together hard-to-access journal articles, dictionary definitions, reviews and book chaptersto give a coherent picture of the development of Barr's work spanning over four decades Includes a new biographical essay on Barr by two leading experts in biblical studies, Ernest Nicholson and John BartonThis is the first volume of a three volume collection which collates the most important published papers of James Barr (1924-2006). The papers deal with questions of theology (especially biblical theology), biblical interpretation and ideas about biblical inspiration and authority, and questions to do with biblical Hebrew and Greek, along with several lexicographical studies, essays and obituaries on major figures in the history of biblical interpretation, and a number of important reviews. Many of pieces collected here have hitherto been available only in journals and hard-to-access collections. This collection will prove indispensable for anyone seeking a rounded picture of Barr's work. It incorporates work from every period of his academic life, and includes a number of discussions of fundamentalism and conservative biblical interpretation. Some pieces also shed light on less well-known aspects of Barr's work, such as his abiding interest in biblical chronology. Barr's characteristic incisive, clear, and forthright style is apparent throughout the collection. The three volumes are thematically compiled. Each is accompanied by an introduction by John Barton, providing a guide to the contents.Volume 1 begins with a biographical essay by Ernest Nicholson and John Barton. It contains major articles on theology in relation to the Bible, programmatic studies of the past and future of biblical study, and reflections on specific topics in the study of the Old Testament. Volume 2 is concerned with detailed biblical interpretation and with the history of the discipline. It also contains material on biblical fundamentalism. Volume 3 is a collection of Barr's extensive papers on linguistic matters relating to Biblical Hebrew and Greek, and to biblical translation in the ancient and the modern world.Readership: Students and Scholars of Christian Theology and Biblical Studies including Biblical Language Studies

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€ 144,00
EAN-13: 9780199692903
James Barr
Bible and Interpretation: The Collected Essays of James Barr
Edizione:Oxford University Press

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 144,00
DescrizioneA major collection of James Barr's work, celebrating the influence of a key scholar in twentieth-century biblical studies and theology Thematically organised for ease of study with a new introduction to each volume by John Barton Draws together hard-to-access journal articles, dictionary definitions, reviews, book chapters, and obituaries to give a coherent picture of the development of Barr's work spanning over four decades This is the third volume of a three volume collection which collates the most important published papers of James Barr (1924-2006). The papers deal with questions of theology (especially biblical theology), biblical interpretation and ideas about biblical inspiration and authority, and questions to do with biblical Hebrew and Greek, along with several lexicographical studies, essays and obituaries on major figures in the history of biblical interpretation, and a number of important reviews. Many of pieces collected here have hitherto been available only in journals and hard-to-access collections. This collection will prove indispensable for anyone seeking a rounded picture of Barr's work. It incorporates work from every period of his academic life, and includes a number of discussions of fundamentalism and conservative biblical interpretation. Some pieces also shed light on less well-known aspects of Barr's work, such as his abiding interest in biblical chronology. Barr's characteristic incisive, clear, and forthright style is apparent throughout the collection. The three volumes are thematically compiled. Each is accompanied by an introduction by John Barton, providing a guide to the contents.Volume 1 begins with a biographical essay by Ernest Nicholson and John Barton. It contains major articles on theology in relation to the Bible, programmatic studies of the past and future of biblical study, and reflections on specific topics in the study of the Old Testament. Volume 2 is concerned with detailed biblical interpretation and with the history of the discipline. It also contains material on biblical fundamentalism. Volume 3 is a collection of Barr's extensive papers on linguistic matters relating to Biblical Hebrew and Greek, and to biblical translation in the ancient and the modern world. Contents ListReadership: James Barr was a central figure in twentieth-century biblical scholarship, theology, and the study of biblical languages. These three volumes, which he planned before his death in 2006, gather together many major papers and essays into an accessible collection.

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€ 60,00
EAN-13: 9780198263760
James Barr
Biblical Faith and Natural Theology
Edizione:Oxford University Press

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 60,00
DescrizioneDo people know about God just by being human beings? Or do they need special divine assistance, through the Bible and the church? `Natural Theology' is the idea that human beings `by nature', that is just through being human, know something of God; or that perhaps they gain such knowledge from observing the world we live in. Its opposite is `revealed theology', or the knowledge of God communicated only through special channels - through Jesus Christ, through the Bible, through the church. Natural theology was long accepted as a basic ingredient in all theology, but in the twentieth century it was rejected by important theologians, especially Karl Barth. His views denied all natural theology and placed greater emphasis on the Bible. But what if the Bible itself uses, depends on, and supports natural theology? In this book, Professor Barr pursues these questions within the Bible itself and within the history of ideas, earlier and more recent; and he looks at their implications for religion and theology in the future.Readership: Scholars and students of Biblical studies and theology.

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